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Blindofer was born in 1977, in Naples, from the initiative of the two founders Vittorio Cimmino and Umberto Mincione, who already boasted a mature experience in the fields of mechanics and the construction of oversized safes and armored doors.
The company now boasts a commercial presence in the sector for over thirty years, has distinguished itself over the years for its ability to adapt to the progress of techniques and design with technologically advanced solutions; today Blindofer products represent the safest and most reliable currently available on the security market, able to fully satisfy any type of request and requirement, and to offer the most consistent solution to your environment and style.
The core business of the construction and installation of safes, armored doors and related products has been accompanied over the years by the sale of fixtures.

Our history
The beginnings
Vittorio Cimmino and Umberto Mincione start working at the historic Stanzieri Napoli founded in 1863.
In 27 years they have gained a great deal of experience in the fields of mechanics and construction of safes and armored doors.
September 14, 1977
Blindofer is born

The first model of armored door with single steel sheet is born.
The " BL33 " is born, 33 as there are closing points.

The " BL24 " is born, 24 as there are closure points.

The first armored doors were built in Naples at Via S. Pansini.
At the same time, the Show Room in Piazza Borsa (P.zza G. Bovio 13) is inaugurated.
We begin the works for the construction of the new 3.000sqm plant in Mugnano di Napoli at the Strada Prov.le Mugnano Melito.
The works will last about 2 years.
While waiting for the works of the Mugnano plant to be completed, production moves from Via S.Pansini to Via Nuova Toscanella.
The range of products expands, we also begin to produce armored cabinets, security gates, safes etc ...
The opening of the factory in Mugnano di Napoli at the Strada Prov.le Mugnano Melito is inaugurated.
The workshop in Via Nuova Toscanella is closed.

A brand new double sheet steel armored door model is designed.
The " 9181 / CM " is born.

The first "Neapolitan" armored shutter is designed.
" Gold " is born
A new armored shutter is designed.
" Silver " is born

Construction of the Tekna 400K and Olimpus 600K free standing safes begins.
Vittorio Cimmino leaves his earthly life.
The daughter Vittoria continues her father's project by supporting Umberto Mincione and his sons Michele and Tiziana in the business.

A new security system is designed, consisting of the union of the armored shutter and the security gate.
The " Kombi " is born.
On 20 December 2010 a new security door is designed, certified in class 4 anti-burglary.
The " CMX " is born.
Umberto Mincione leaves his earthly life.
The sons Michele and Tiziana continue their father's project by supporting Vittoria in the company activity.
The Neapolitan shutter was born " 1850 ", made with the same style and the same passion of the past.
Another new security door, this time designed in 2mm single sheet.
The " cmOne " is born.
A new security door is born, certified in class 4 anti-burglary, internal or external flush with the wall.
The pivot armored door is born.